What are the goals of the Stormwater Management Program?

Township residents and businesses will benefit from the enhanced operation and maintenance of a stormwater infrastructure that controls pollution and reduces flooding. The goals of the new Stormwater Management Program include:
  • Compliance with the existing stormwater permit and increased state law requirements for the proper operation of the system.
  • Enhance the operation and maintenance of stormwater assets to save money by extending their useful life.
  • Assess the condition of the existing infrastructure to make sure it meets current and future needs and strategically implement improvements in the most cost-effective manner.
  • Develop a dedicated and reliable funding source outside the common tax base.
  • Implement a fair and equitable allocation of costs to property owners in the Township.
  • Educate the community on proper stormwater management including techniques and practices and assist property owners with minimizing the quantity of stormwater leaving their property.