What happens at a Zoning Hearing Board Meeting?

The typical procedure followed at a Zoning Hearing Board meeting is outlined below:
  1. The meeting is called to order.
  2. Roll call is taken and a quorum is confirmed.
  3. The first case to be heard will be announced.
  4. Each case is heard.
    1. A stenographer is present to take a transcript of the hearing.
    2. The applicant/appellant is sworn in and presents the facts of the case.  Expert witnesses may be introduced at this time.
    3. The Zoning Officer may be called upon at the discretion of the Board to provide testimony.
    4. Other parties are given the opportunity to comment or offer additional evidence depending on party status. 
      • Any participants are sworn in and signed in to confirm their status. 
      • Any party may present pertinent information to the Board, either prior to or at the time of the hearing.  Such material will be made part of the official record of the proceedings. 
      • Every applicant or witness is subject to cross-examination and general questioning by the Board or by other interested parties. 
  5. At the conclusion of the case, the testimony is submitted into evidence and the case is closed.
  6. Normally, the Zoning Hearing Board will recess to discuss the evidence and testimony. 
  7. Upon return, a motion will be made to grant or deny the request.  This is typically the same evening as the hearing but in some instances, the case is continued.
Any party who sought party status has 30 days to appeal the decision of the Zoning Hearing Board