Don't Flush Wipes


Don't Flush a Wipe

Even wipes labeled flushable and sewer safe ARE NOT SAFE TO FLUSH!! Even though they claim to break down after flushing, they do not and can cause major problems to your home's plumbing and the Authority's sewer system. Because they do not break down, they can bundle together, get snagged on rough or misaligned pipe, as well as, tree roots inside your pipes and cause a sewer backup inside your basement or bathroom. Inside of the Authority's system, these wipes can catch on debris such as tree roots, grease balls and other wipes and can cause a backup inside of our system which could result in a sewer backup in your home, business or into the environment. These wipes also get caught in the machinery used in conveying and processing your wastewater causing breakdowns and significant time and expense fixing the problems. If you use wipes, you can continue to do so, just throw them in the trash when you are done instead of flushing them.