Development of a Single Lot

While the development of a single lot does not require you to perform an extension of our existing sewer line, there are Authority requirements you must be aware of and fees, in addition to the sewer tapping permit, that you may have to pay. For these reasons, the Authority has developed an agreement between the Authority and anyone who is developing a single lot in Susquehanna Township.

Effective immediately, a signed Single Lot Development agreement will need to be signed by the Developer in order to obtain a sewer tapping permit and a new one must be signed for each additional property that the Developer develops in the future. Please keep in mind, if you are developing a parcel that required you to perform a sewer extension, this form does not apply to you.

Please bring your signed Single Lot Development agreement with you to the Authority office when you pay for and pickup your sewer permit. Should you forget to bring it with you, a new one can be provided for your completion.

Should you have any questions regarding this agreement, please contact the Authority at (717) 545-0116 and we will be able to help you. Thank you.