Request for Proposals

Request for Proposals for Strategic Management Plan and Five-Year Financial Plan - RFP-2024-03

Date of Issuance - 6/7/24

Deadline to Respond - 7/8/24

Questions and Responses

Q1. What prompted Susquehanna Township to seek STMP funding for this work at this time?

Susquehanna Township has been considering the STMP program for several years. Our 2024-2028 Capital Improvement Plan allocated some funding for a Strategic Plan, and STMP funding and requirements allow for the completion of this goal. Adjacent municipalities have participated in the STMP process and gained valuable insight for their communities, and Susquehanna Township also desires to gain that insight.

Q2. Are there any specific goals you would hope to see?

The specific goals are to gain insight into a vision for the Township's future that will improve administrative processes and functionality, fund pension liabilities, implement new budget improvements, identify opportunities for increased revenue, and make the Township fiscally sustainable. 

Q3. Are there any other issues the Township is facing aside from those noted in the RFP?

In addition to the challenges noted in the RFP, the Township is also facing staff issues with turnover and a lack of qualified candidates, a reduction in tax revenue from property assessments through the appeals process, outdated ordinances, an increase in the number of rental properties, an increase in police call volume, and an increase in property maintenance issues.

Q4. Does the review include only Township operations or should the consultant plan to look at the Authority as well? 

The review is anticipated only to examine the Township's operations and not the Authority’s; however, the budget and agreement between the Township and the Authority should be reviewed, and the shared allocations should be considered.

Q5. FY 2024 Budget for Sewer and Stormwater Funds and Township Authority. On the Township's website, we can see the adopted 2024 budget. We do not see in that budget the adopted budgets or other financial information for the Township Authority (where a portion of salaries for the Township Manager, Finance, and others are allocated). We also do not see budgets for the sewer and stormwater funds for which transfers originate to fund the General Fund. (possibly a cost allocation plan?). Can you share the adopted FY 2024 budget for those entities/funds? It will help us provide an overall context to the Township's financial condition.

The 2024 Authority budgets for Sewer and Stormwater Funds can be downloaded below.  Breakdowns of salary allocations are provided in the budgets.

Q6. Clarification of Funds Within Scope. What funds are within the scope of this engagement? Are you seeking a focus on the General Fund, or all of the agency's funds, including capital improvement and potentially sewer and stormwater (see question #1 above)?

The funds included in this engagement include the General Fund, Street Light Fund, Fire Fund, Capital Improvement Fund, Transportation Improvement Fund, Developers Recreation Fund, and Liquid Fuels Fund. 

The Authority’s funds (sewer and stormwater) are not included within the scope.

Q7. Existing Forecasts. Does the Township have any current form of a long-range/multi-year financial forecast for any of its funds, especially its General Fund? If so, can you please point us to where it is, or at least a summary of it thereof?

The 2024 Budget provides general forecasts for funds through 2026. The Capital Improvement Plan extends to 2028. There are no other long-range/multi-year financial forecasts for any of the funds.

Q8. Is there a DBE requirement for this RFP? I have not seen one for other STMPs, and I want to make sure we can bid successfully.

There is no DBE requirement for this RFP.  However, the Board of Commissioners encourages proposals provide this information.