Illicit Discharge Hotline

Residents are the first to notice or spot an illicit discharge or illegal dumping. This is a major part within the MS4 Program, which helps to eliminate or prevent pollution at the source. Please monitor the stormwater inlets around your property, as well as any dumping activities. Please report this immediately to the Stormwater Management Program Coordinator upon discovery. Illicit discharges and/or illegal dumping can include, but is not limited to:

  • Animal waste
  • Litter
  • Motor oil
  • Yard clippings
  • Fertilizers and pesticides
  • Soapy water and soapy car wash water
  • Discharged pool water
  • Eroded sediment from exposed earth
  • Construction site runoff
  • Household cooking grease
  • Leaf litter
  • Spills, including chemical, gas, or oil ** (Call 911 First)
  • Sewer line breaks or overflows

Looking to dispose of hazardous materials (e.g. paint, household chemicals, gasoline)? Click here.


Report the activity happening, including: nearest address to the activity, is it being dumped into an inlet, resident's address conducting the activity (if possible).